The Ruby Fruit
3510 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90026
2023 → today
Credit: Jesse Saler, 2023
The Ruby Fruit is a wine bar serving "the sapphically inclined." Opened by Mara Herbkersman and Emily Bielagus in February 2023, The Ruby Fruit "welcomes everyone and serves as a safe space for not only lesbians, but non-binary, gender-nonconforming and trans people."
The Ruby Fruit is the first permanent lesbian bar to have opened in LA since 2017.
The wine bar’s name is an homage to Rita Mae Brown’s The Rubyfruit Jungle.
Link: NY Times "The Lesbian Bar Isn't Dead..."
Link: Official Site
Link: Resy "The Ruby Fruit is Revitalizing America’s Lesbian Bar Scene"
Jesse Saler, 2023
Credit: The Ruby Fruit, 2023