Queer Maps Created with Sketch.


An explorable archive built to preserve and share histories of LGBTQ+ spaces, organizations, etc. in Los Angeles from 1871 → today. 

Director: Chris Cruse

Featured in:

Referenced by:

Printed address guides used:

Additional reading lists:

  • Faderman, Lillian, and Stuart Timmons. Gay L.A.: a History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians. University of California Press, 2009
  • Hurewitz, Daniel. Bohemian Los Angeles. University of California Press, 2007.
  • Kenney, Moira Rachel. Mapping Gay L.A.: the Intersection of Place and Politics. Temple University Press, 2001.
  • SurveyLA LGBT Historic Context Statement

Archives consulted:

Challenges using published materials:

  • Even if underground, many publications were from those with privilege, and printed and purchased by those who had the means to travel.
  • Many queer or queer-serving businesses may have flourished without being detected or their address published. They may not have wished to be listed.
  • These listings seem to skew predominantly gay white male, with establishments catering to ethnic demographics sometimes categorized as "special interest."
  • There is a significantly disproportionate lack of lesbian, bisexual, trans* spaces that we have come across.
  • There is a significantly disproportionate lack of QPOC spaces that we have come across.
  • These listings could be anecdotal in nature. Someone may have reported a positive experience one night at a particular venue, and then it became listed as a LGBTQ space.
  • Listings became too numerous after the mid-1980's. There are many more to include.
Additional material is individually attributed.
This map is not exhaustive in any way. It is not preferential in any way. It is strictly a direct result of cataloguing research. Please help us increase visibility for spaces not on here by contributing facts, images, and photographs.